Laws Of Salah [ Hanafi ]
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Method of Wuzu

Laws Of Salah :

(Islamic) >>Method of Wuzu<< (HANIFI)

To sit in an elevated seat facing Qibla is desirable. To make intention for Wuzu is sunnah. Intention means to focus with the heart, but to verbally pronounce it is even better. You should say. " I am making Wuzu in order to fulfil the command of Allah (Azza Wajal) and to purify myself". It is sunnah to say BISMIL ALLAH if you say BISMIL ALLAHI WALHAMD-U-ALLAH Angles will write good deeds for you for as long as you are in that state. Wash both hands up to the wrists three times each and do khilaal of the fingers as well (with the tap closed). Then use a Miswaak to clean your teeth, both top and bottom, washing the Miswaak each time.
Hujja-tul-Islam Imam Muhammad Ghazali (RAHMAT-U- ALLAH ALLYH) SAYS, "Whilst using a Miswaak, your intentoin should be to clean your mouth in order for you to recite the Holy Qur'an and to do the Ziker of Allah (Azza Wajal) ".

(Ihya-ul-Uloom, V1, P182 Dar-us-Saadir Beirut).

Now rinse your mouth three times with three handfuls of water (closing the tap off each time) making sure that water reaches all parts of the mouth and gargle as well if you are not fasting. Now using three half handfuls, sniff water into the nose. It is necessary to sniff the water right up to the hard bone and if you are not fasting then intake the water right up to the top of the bone.Keeping the tap turned off, use the small finger of the left hand to clean the inside of the nose . Wash the whole face three times making sure that water flows on every part of the skin from the top of the forehead(the point where the hair naturally begins to grow )to the bottom of the chin and from one earlobe to the other. If you have a beard and are not in state of Ihram then do khilaal(with the tap turned off) by inserting the fingers into the beard from the neck towards the front.Now wash the right arm, making sure you wash every part of skin from the tips of the fingers up to (and including) the elbow three times and then wash the left arm in the same manner. To
wash up to halfway up the upper arm is desirable .Many peoples take a small amount of water in their hand and tip it over their arm expecting it to wash the whole arm, whereas the elbows and wrists will probably remain unwashed if this is done. Therefore, they should be the whole arm, hereas the elbows and wrists will probably remain unwashed if this is done. Therefore, they should be washed properly as mentioned. Once they have been washed, there is no need to tip a handful of water over the arms . in fact ,doing this (without a proper excuse) despite having washed both arms is a waste of water. Now (with the tap closed)wipe the head' this should be done by joining the tips of the three fingers, other than the index fingers and thumbs of both hands and placing them on the forehead. They should then be pulled towards the head .each palm should then be placed on either side of the head and pulled across the sides back to the forehead. The index fingers and thumbs should not have touched the head yet. Now use the index fingers to wipe the insides of the ears, the thumbs for the back and the small fingers should be inserted inside the ears. Now wipe the back of the neck using the back of both hands .some people are seen to be wiping the front of the neck and the forearms and wrists , this is not sunnah.Make a habit of turning the tap off before wiping the Head. To allow water to be wasted by leaving the tap open completely or partially is a sin . Now wash both feet three times,first the right and then left, beginning from the toes up up the top of the ankles. In fact, it is desirable to wash up to halfway up the shin . To do khilaal of all the toes of both feet is sunnah. The tap should be kept turned off during khilaal .The desirable way to do this is to use the small finger of the left hand and begin with the small toe of the right foot and work your way up to the big toe.Then ,using the same finger of the left hand ,work your way from the big toe of the left foot to the small toe.
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(mulakhkhasan Ihya-ul-uloom Translation,V1, P346)

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