Laws Of Salah [ Hanafi ]
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EID SLAH (Hanafi)

The following intention should be made:"Intend on offering two rak'ats of Eid - ul- Fiter
(or Eid -ul - Azha) salah with six additional Takbeer for Allah(A.W) behind this imam. "After making this intention,start the salah by raising the hands up to the ears and saying "ALLAH -U- AKBER" and then folding the hands. Recite sana and then say "ALLAH -U- AKBER" three times.Each time you say "ALLAH -U- AKBER".You should raise your hands to your ears just as you do for Takbeer-e-Tahreema.After saying each Takbeer,let your hands rest by your sides.In between each Takbeer,you should pause to such an extent that you can read
"Subhan Allah"three times. After the third Takbeer,you should not rise your hands but fold them.Remember it in this way that WHEREVER SOMETHING IS READ AFTER TAKBEER, THE HANDS ARE FOLDED AND WHEREVER SOMETHING IS NOT READ THE HANDS WILL NE RESTED AT THE SIDES.
(Makhoozaaz Dar-e-Mukhtaar, Rad-ul-Muhraar,V3,P66)
The imam should then read ta'awwuz and tas'miyah quietly and Sura Fatiha and anther Sura loudly. After this, he should say three Takbeers but after the third Takbeer he should not fold his hands but instead leave them at his sides. He should then say one more Takbeer without raising the hands and go into Ruku'(Farawa Alamgeeri, V1,P150)

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