My Post Lists
2:17 PM- If there is bleeding in the mouth and the blood dominates the colour of the spit, it will invalidate the Wuzu, otherwise not . The blood will be considered dominant .If the spit is yellowish in colour it will be considered dominant and therefore the Wuzu will not break and neither will the spit be impure. (dur-e-mukhtaar ma' rad-dul-muhtaar, V1,P291)
- In the case of blood being dominant , if one was to drink water from a cup or container, both the cup and all the water inside will be impure.In this case, it is better to fill the hand with water and use it to rinse the mouth out away from the cup and away from your clothes and body (before drinking) .
Urine And Vomit Of A Baby
12:52 PM- The urine of a one day old baby is as impure as anyone Else's
- (dur-e-mukhtaar ma'rad-dul-muhtaar,V1,P574)
- If a baby vomits a mouthful of milk, it is as impure as urine, but if the milk had not reached the stomach and had only yet reached the chest it will not be impure.
- (Bahare-e-Shariat,Part2,P29,Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef)
26 Desirable Acts Of Wuzu
11:42 AMLaws Of Salah :
26 Desirable Acts Of Wuzu
- Sitting facing the Qibla on an elevaeed seat.
- Rubbing the limbs with the hands whilst washing them.
- Doing Wuzu calmly.
- Mostingthe limbs first, especially in winter.
- Acoiding taking assistance from anyone without necessity.
- Rinsing the mouth using the right hand.
- Inserting water into the nose.
- Using the left hand to clean the nose.
- Inserting the samall finger of the left hand into the nostrils.
- Using the back of the hands to wiope the back of the neck.
- Inserting the samll finger of each hand into each ear whilst wioing the ears.
- Loosening and moving any ring you have on your finger if you are sure the skin beneatrh it has been washed without loosening it. if it is stff ( and the skin beneathcannot be washed unless the ring is moved ) the to move it will become farz.
- (Khulas-tul-Fatawa, V1,P23)
- Doing Wuzu before the time of the Salaah has begun if you are not a ma'zoor-e-Shari' ( furter detail regardingthis will follw shortly ).
- For a person who takes cre in his wuzu ( i.e. does it prooerly to take special care when washing theconers of his eyes, his ankles, heels,soles, the gaos between ine's fingers and toes and one's elbows is desirable. Fot someone who dies not take care, taking special care eith these areas will become farz. It is often seen that these parts are left dry due to being careless, Such carelessness is Haraam and to be mindful of these things is farz.
- ( Bahar-e-Shariat, Part 2,P19, Madina-tul-Murshid Breilly Shareef )
- Keepping the lota ( traditional vessel used for istinja/Wuzu ) towards your left hand side. If you use a tub fot Wuzu, it should be keot towards your right side.
- Spreading the water across the forehead when washing the face allowing some hait anove the forehead to be washed as well.
- Extending the ligt osf the face, hands, and feet; this means washing more than the farz areas,( washing the arms tohalfway up the upper ar and washing the feet beyond the ankles uo to halfway up the shins. )
- Using both hands when washing the face.
- Starting from the fingers and toes when washing the hands and feeet.
- Wiping each part with your hands after washing it so that drops of water do not fall upon your body or clothes especiallywhen you intern to enter a Masjid because letting drops of water drop on to the floor of the Masjid is Makrooh-e-Tahreema. ( Khulasah as Bah-rur-raiq,V2,P530 -Bahr-e-Shriat Part2,P20 Madina-tul-Murshid Bareilly Shareef )
- Maintaining the intention for Wuzu at the time of washing / wiping each part.
- Recting Durood Shareef and Kalima-e-Shahada as well as ( Bismil Allah ) at the beginning.
- Do not unnecessarily dry the washed limbs. If you have to, you should avoid drying them completely' in other words preserve same wetnes. becose on the day of judgement it will be weighed amongst the pious deeds.
- Do not shke your hands because this is the fan of Satan.
- ( Kanzul-Ummal, V9,P136, Hadith 26133 Beirut )
- Flicking water on to the front of ones shalwaar.( Kanzul-Ummal, V9, P134, Hadith 26101 Beirut ) (When flicking water on to the shalwaar, it is wise to keep the front part of the shalwaar hidden under the kurta. In face keeping this part of the shalwaar concealed throughout the whole of the Wuzu and at all other times using your shirt or a blanket is closer to modesty).
- Praying two rak'at nafl ( if it is not Makrooht at that time). These nawafil are called Tahiyya-tul-Wuzu.
- (dur-e-mukhtaar ma'rad-dul-muhtaar, V1 P266)
Bleeding From Your Teeth
11:11 AM
Laws Of Salah :
- If there is bleeding in the mouth and the blood dominates the colour of the spit, it will invalidate the Wuzu,otherwise not. The blood will be considered dominant if the spit is redder than white, and this spit will be impure . If the spit is yellowish in colour it will be considered dominant and therefore the Wuzu will not break and neither Will the spit be impure.
- (dur-e-emukhtaar ma' rad-dul-muhtaar, V1,P291 )
- in the case of blood being dominant, if one was to drink water from a cup or container,both the cup and all water inside will be use it to rinse the mouth out away from the cup and away from your clothes and body ( before drinking ).
The Wuzu Done During Ghusal Is Sufficent
11:02 AMLaws of salah :
11:49 PMFree LAUGHING :
If a Muslim who has reached puberty laughs laud enough for a second person to hear in a salah that consists of ruku' and sujood, not only will his Wuzu be nullified but so will his salah.If he laughs only loud enough for himself to hear, his salah will be invalidated but not his Wuzu. Smiling ( Without creating a sound ) invalidates neither the Wuzu nor the salah. ( Maraqil falah ma ; Hashiya-tut-tahtawi, P91)
If a Muslim of the same age category laughs loudly in a funeral prayer, his salah will become invalid but not his Wuzu.( ibid )
Laughing other then in salah does not invalidate Wuzu but to repeat it is preferable.( Maraqil falah ma' Hashiya-tut-tahtawi, P84 )
Hadith :
Our Holy Prophet ( p.b.u.h ) never laughed loudly so we should attempt to revive this blessed sunnah and avoid laughing out aloud. Our Holy Propet (p.b.u.h ) has said : Smiling is from Allah (Azza Wajal) and laughing is from the devil .
( Al Mu'jamus Saghir Littabarani, Juz 2 , P104, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut )
About Laws Of Salah
- If a Muslim who has reached puberty laughs laud enough for a second person to hear in a salah that consists of ruku' and sujood, not only will his Wuzu be nullified but so will his salah.If he laughs only loud enough for himself to hear, his salah will be invalidated but not his Wuzu. Smiling ( Without creating a sound ) invalidates neither the Wuzu nor the salah. ( Maraqil falah ma ; Hashiya-tut-tahtawi, P91)
- If a Muslim of the same age category laughs loudly in a funeral prayer, his salah will become invalid but not his Wuzu.( ibid )
- Laughing other then in salah does not invalidate Wuzu but to repeat it is preferable.( Maraqil falah ma' Hashiya-tut-tahtawi, P84 )
Hadith :
Our Holy Prophet ( p.b.u.h ) never laughed loudly so we should attmpt to revive this blessed sunnah and avoid laughing out aloud. Our Holy Propet (p.b.u.h ) has said : Smiling is from Allah (Azza Wajal) and laughing is from the devil . ( Al Mu'jamus Saghir Littabarani, Juz 2 , P104, Dar-ul-Kutubul Ilmiyyah Beirut )
When Does Vomating Nullify One Wuzu ?
2:14 AMVomiting food or water that is a mouthful invalidates Wuzu. It is considered a mouthful when it cannot be prevented easily. This vomit is as impure as urine, so it is vital to protect the clothes and body from being stained by it. ( dur-e-mukhtaar ma' rad-dul-muhtaar, V1 P289 )
Tears Due To Illness
2:00 AM- Tears that are due to an infection or illess of the eyes are impure and nullify Wuzu. ( dur-e-mukhtaar ma' rad-dul-muhtaar, V1,P554 ) Unfortunately, many such tears with their sleeves believing them to be ordinary tears but in fact they make their clothes impure.
- The fluid discharged by the eye of a blind man is impure and nullifies Wuzu. ( dur-e-mukhtaar ma' rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P554 )
- Any fluid that is discharged by the body but does not nullify Wuzu is not impure ( Makhooz Fatawa-e-Razaviya takhreej shudah, V1, P280 ) ;examples are blood or pus that do not flow , or vomit that is less than a mouthful.
5 Rulings Regarding Bleeding
1:12 AM- Blood or pus that is discharge by the body which flows (or can flow ) onto a part of the body which must be washed either in Wuzu or ghusl will invalidate the Wuzu. ( dur-e-mukhtaar ma'rad-dul-muhtaar, V1 , P286 )
- If the blood only rises to the surface and does not flow, for example when the skin is cut slightly with the point of a sewing pin, or knifor when using a toothpic, or when using the Miswaak to clean your teeth, or when biting an apple causes slight bleeding, or if you see traces of blood on your finger after inserting it into your nose ( considering that blood did not flow ), the Wuzu will not be affeced ( Mulakhkas az Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V1, P280, Raza Foundation Lahore )
- If it flows but not onto a surface of skin that must be washed in Wuzu or ghusl (e.g. you have a spot in your eye that bursts but the fluid remains withins the eyelids, or you feel bleeding inside your ear canal but the blood stays inside),the Wuzu will not be affected . ( Mulakhkhas az Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V1, P280, Raza Founation Lahore )
- Even if the wound is quite large and the fluid is visible, the Wuzu will not break unless the fluid (pus/blood)flows from the wound. ( ibid )
- If you wiped away the blood and did not allow it to flow then you must ask yourself; "If Ihad left it would it have flown?"If the answer is yes then the Wuzu has become null otherwise not ( ibid ).
An Important Ruling About Used Water
10:34 PMLaw Of Salah :
An Important Ruling About Used Water
If you are without Wuzu and your hand. fingertip; fingernail; toenail, or any other part of your
body that must be washed during Wuzu comes into contact with water covering less than
the surface area of 25 square yards/225 square feet .
musta'mal water) .