Laws Of Salah [ Hanafi ]
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5 Rulings Regarding Bleeding

Law Of Salah :
5 Rulings Regarding Bleeding

  1. Blood or pus that is discharge by the body which flows (or can flow ) onto a part of the body which must be washed either in Wuzu or ghusl will invalidate the Wuzu. ( dur-e-mukhtaar ma'rad-dul-muhtaar, V1 , P286 )
  2. If the blood only rises to the surface and does not flow, for example when the skin is cut slightly with the point of a sewing pin, or knifor when using a toothpic, or when using the Miswaak to clean your teeth, or when biting an apple causes slight bleeding, or if you see traces of blood on your finger after inserting it into your nose ( considering that blood did not flow ), the Wuzu will not be affeced ( Mulakhkas az Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V1, P280, Raza Foundation Lahore )
  3. If it flows but not onto a surface of skin that must be washed in Wuzu or ghusl (e.g. you have a spot in your eye that bursts but the fluid remains withins the eyelids, or you feel bleeding inside your ear canal but the blood stays inside),the Wuzu will not be affected . ( Mulakhkhas az Fatawa-e-Razaviya, V1, P280, Raza Founation Lahore )
  4. Even if the wound is quite large and the fluid is visible, the Wuzu will not break unless the fluid (pus/blood)flows from the wound. ( ibid )
  5. If you wiped away the blood and did not allow it to flow then you must ask yourself; "If Ihad left it would it have flown?"If the answer is yes then the Wuzu has become null otherwise not ( ibid ).


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