Laws Of Salah [ Hanafi ]
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Tears Due To Illness

Law Of Salah :
Tears Due To Illness

  1. Tears that are due to an infection or illess of the eyes are impure and nullify Wuzu. ( dur-e-mukhtaar ma' rad-dul-muhtaar, V1,P554 ) Unfortunately, many such tears with their sleeves believing them to be ordinary tears but in fact they make their clothes impure.
  2. The fluid discharged by the eye of a blind man is impure and nullifies Wuzu. ( dur-e-mukhtaar ma' rad-dul-muhtaar, V1, P554 )
  3. Any fluid that is discharged by the body but does not nullify Wuzu is not impure ( Makhooz Fatawa-e-Razaviya takhreej shudah, V1, P280 ) ;examples are blood or pus that do not flow , or vomit that is less than a mouthful.

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