Laws Of Salah [ Hanafi ]
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An Important Ruling About Used Water

Law Of Salah :

An Important Ruling About Used Water

If you are without Wuzu and your hand. fingertip; fingernail; toenail, or any other part of your
body that must be washed during Wuzu comes into contact with water covering less than
the surface area of 25 square yards/225 square feet .
(Fatawa-e-Mustafawiyyah P139, Shabeer Brothers Lahore ) for example , a bucket or tub of water, that water Will be classed as Musta'mal (used), and unfit to use for Wuzu or Ghusl, regardless of whether this was done deliberately or ghusl, regardless of whether this was done deliberately or unintentionally. Similarly, if you must do ghusl and any unwashed part of the body comes into contact with water , it will no longer be fit to use for Wuzu or ghusl. However, if the hand out area was washed before it came into contact with the water, it will not affect it.
( Bahar- e-Shariat, Part 2, P48 )(Please study Part 2 of Bahar-e-Shariat for more information on
musta'mal water) .

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